Stanley's Dog Tales

Here's where I, Stanley the Dog, tell you my stories and share my thoughts. Come back and see what I'm up to.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Brushing day

It was a normal day, people sitting on the couch, me and my sisters lounging around on the couch or the floor. I saw the big guy start petting my little sister. Darn! I wasn't close enough or else it would have been me! I'm soooooo jealous when they get attention...

Anyway, then mommy starts petting her too! Clumps of fur are just falling off in mommy's hands. Out comes the brush!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I wait sooooo patiently, little stub of a tail wagging fast enough to generate electricity. Me, me, me! Brush me!

Finally, I saw my sister grow tired of being brushed. Yes! My turn! I wiggle my way in between my sister and mommy before my sister has even taken the first step away from her. My turn! Brush me! I do anything to get attention, let me tell you.

Stanley getting brushed

Me getting the treatment from mommy. Man, this feels good!

Getting brushed is the best way to get attention, too. It feels so good! Mommy tried to get me to stand up but I was just too relaxed. I rolled right over instead, exposing my belly. More brushing of the chest and belly. This is the greatest! I just have to roll over, loll my tongue out the side of my mouth, splay my legs, wag my little stubby tail, and voila! Belly rub!

I really don't understand my oldest sister. Whenever the brush comes out, she runs and hides. Maybe that's why they had her shaved for the summer! Oh well, they can run all they want - just means more brushing for me, and we all know it's always about me!

Kara before and after

My older sister, Kara, before and after getting shaved


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