Stanley's Dog Tales

Here's where I, Stanley the Dog, tell you my stories and share my thoughts. Come back and see what I'm up to.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I like Caves

A good hiding place is always a nice thing to have! Little nooks and crannies you can shimmy into and feel safe...nothing like it.

You see, before I found the great family I have now, I was a dog on the run. Being on your own, I'd search out little places to sleep know, any hole in a storm so to speak.

Anyway, back to today. I like when mommy arranges the furniture such that I have places to curl up in that are like caves. At our last house, I used to curl up in a crate they had used for training my sisters; after we moved, I never saw my crate again. Other great places to hide at the old house were under the coffee table and behind the rocking chair.

In the new house, I've had to make do with new places. Right now, my favorite is behind the corner table where the Big Guy keeps his remote controls and stuff. I can just squeeze in there between the table and the wall. Check out these pictures mommy took of me hanging out in my "cave."

Stanley behind the table

Me hanging out in my second favorite spot
My most favorite is the Big Guy's lap, of course!

Of course, while mommy was snapping those pictures, my little sister got curious and shoved her nose into things, as you can see below...

Lexi closeup

My little sister, Lexi
"What's that, mommy?"

She used to play with me all the time. We would run circles all over the house, chase each other, play tug of war, drive mommy and the big guy nuts...good times!

She only has one eye now, though, so she doesn't play with me as much as she used to. I've heard mommy talking about her not having any "depth perception" and not being able to really tell where I am all the time. It's OK, though - I still get her to chase me around every once in a while!


At 1:36 PM, Blogger Guinness said...

Hi Stanley!
You are a cool dog! Isn't it in interesting how you can be getting all this attention, mugging for the camera and your little sister has to get in on the action? Rosie does this to me all the time. And she takes my toys away sometimes, too.

High Paw to you and your cute sis!
-Guinness the Dog

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Guinness said...

Hi Stanley!
Wow you have a cool blog! You and your sister are PAW-SOME, too! My little sister is a Diva Dog and she's always wanting to pose for the camera and take my toys and stuff. And she doesn't have super puppy powers or a cape, but dog - she can max out that cute factor!
High Paw to you and your sister!
-Guinness the Dog


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