Stanley's Dog Tales

Here's where I, Stanley the Dog, tell you my stories and share my thoughts. Come back and see what I'm up to.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sandpaper! Yum!

Maybe you remember me telling you about my love of what mommy and daddy call "cardboard" (and the ever-yummy "toilet paper") . If not, you can read all about it in my first post!

Anyway, the big guy has been stuck at home for the last eight weeks because he got "fixed." Yikes! Tonight, he went to that "work" place they like to go and leave my sisters and I at home...

Last time they did that, I found those "toilet paper" treats they had left me, so I started roaming the house looking for those...or some "cardboard" (even though I know I'm not supposed to eat that). I couldn't find any anywhere!

I found something almost as good, though. It was papery, like the cardboard, but it had a rough teture to it. I loved it! I was sooooo sad there wasn't very much of it, but I had a lot of fun chewing on and playing with what little I found. When mommy and the big guy got home, I heard them talking about something called "sandpaper." I'll have to watch out for when they leave me more of that! I liked it!